Ariza: a family business
As most of you will know, Ariza is a family business. Fransje, the oldest daughter of Ari and Maria, has started working at Ariza at the beginning of this year.
“Most of you already know me, but for those who do not, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Fransje de Kimpe. I am 31 years old and live in ’s-Hertogenbosch with my husband Christiaan and my ten months old son Gijs. It is already three months ago that I formally joined Ariza. Time really flies when you’re having fun!
In all honesty, I never expected that I would end up working in the food business. My dream was always to study medicines and become a doctor. Nevertheless, I decided to go to Wageningen University in 2002 from which I graduated in 2008 with an MSc in food quality management. During my internship and thesis, I worked on a project for Heinz and I was offered a job after my graduation. I have worked for Heinz for the past 7 years, where I had the opportunity to work on many different improvement projects around the world, meeting different cultures. It has been a great experience and I have build a strong network with many colleagues who now have become close friends. Early 2015, the time was right to make the switch from Heinz to Ariza.
It is a big change to come from a big multinational organisation and to go to a mid-sized company, operating worldwide in a niche industry. One of the most interesting changes I have experienced until now is that at Heinz, I felt responsible, but at Ariza, I truly am responsible. Consequences of decisions that we make have a bigger impact and of course my role is different now that I work for Ariza.
“I truly see my dad as a visionary. Having the courage to start up a business in an industry where the demand was so little”
My father, Ari, started the business in 1991. My sister and I were 7 and 5 at that time. My mother joined the business a couple of years later. For us, it was strange but at the same time perfect to have our parents at home during that period. Whenever we needed them, they were there, but at the same time, we had the flexibility to explore the world and become fairly independent. Starting a business out of nothing and look where it stands today! Not everybody has the ability to do that. I truly see my dad as a visionary. Having the courage to start up a business in an industry where the demand was so little. Who could have expected that 25 years later, organic would have become that big? Ellen and I are both so extremely proud of what our parents have achieved. And we are positive that we can lead it into the next generation.
“We have different views, like good discussions, but also listen to each other. We all want what is best for the organisation and do not hesitate to comment on proposals”
People often ask us, how it feels to be around your family 5 days a week. For me, it is an easy question to answer. It is the best thing ever to be able to work so close together with your best friends. We have different views, like good discussions, but also listen to each other. We all want what is best for the organisation and do not hesitate to comment on proposals. Although we work together, we do not see each other much during the day. We do not share an office as we are active in different fields of the organisation. Ellen is operating in marketing and sales, I am working in quality and process.
At the moment, I am still busy to get to know the ins and outs of the organisation, which will probably still take a while. I hope I have the opportunity to meet you all in person. Kind regards, Fransje”